GBH Rebrand

GBH TV Packaging GBH Kids

Public media exists to serve the public. For years, stations did that through TV and radio. Today, the media landscape has expanded, and GBH has to be in all of the places our audience needs us. That means going beyond broadcast, beyond call letters and beyond outdated ideas about platforms. To reflect that, GBH dropped the letter that tied us to broadcast and adopted a more vibrant aesthetic. GBH has changed. But not our mission, our inventive spirit or our commitment to our audiences.

beyond broadcast EXPLAINER

Farewell ‘W’ Campaign

W had been part of GBH for over 70 years, forming the iconic call letters we knew and loved — four letters that showed the public our commitment to broadcast. So, as we said goodbye to dear W, we imagined what would W do if they could do anything?

The W saying goodbye to GBH at a party

While working to serve the public was wonderful, W finally decided it was time to see the world. G, B, and H would be more than fine on their own.

So we all wished W well while we wondered, where will they end up?

Stay tuned, and find out over the next few weeks!

The W playing baseball at Fenway Park with Wally the mascot

Does GBH stand for Great Blue Hill...or Great Big Hit? In this match-up with Boston legend Wally, W is definitely hoping it’s the latter (and so are the fans at Fenway!)

#WhereIsW going next week? Find out next Wednesday on our social channels!

The W whale watching on a boat

Anchors aweigh! W's first stop: the coast of Washington for whale-watching. After waiting patiently, W was rewarded with a wave and a wonderful start to their retirement journey. #WhereIsW going next week? Find out next Wednesday!

The W watching TV in a hotel room

The past few weeks have been busy, and W wanted to wind down! What better place than the W Hotel? With their favorite station on TV and city lights around them, W wondered what to watch — Wallander? Wuthering Heights? War & Peace? Why not all three?#WhereIsW going next week? Find out next Wednesday!

The W at the Hollywood sign

W loves the Great Blue Hill. But that doesn't mean they don't appreciate other hills across the nation, which is why they took a trip to visit the Hollywood sign and meet another set of letters that became a cultural touchstone. #WhereIsW going next week? Find out next Wednesday!

The W tasting wine while a wine bottle crushes grapes in a barrel

After years of working in broadcast, W had to unwind. And what better way to do that than wine tasting in Wellington? #WhereIsW going next? Find out next Wednesday!

The W at an art gallery

Wandering the galleries of the Whitney where wild and wonderful works of art line the white walls, W was completely awestruck. A dream come true!!! If only Jared Bowen were here!

#WhereIsW going next week? Find out next Wednesday!

The W in outer space tethered to the space station

W went looking for another wild adventure and found themselves whizzing through space! While winding through the galaxy and watching the stars go by, W was thrilled to find some familiar objects from GBH's Summer of Space, along with a new friend. 

#WhereIsW going next week? Find out next Wednesday on our social channels!

TV Identity

kids identity

For GBH Kids we made an otherworldly wonderland in pink and purple, because when kids are watching and learning, they need a special place to call their very own.


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